Imlie Written Episode Update for May 10, 2023: Unexpectedly, Chini

Chini calls Kairi, who answers. If she is missing her, Chini wonders how her princess is doing. Since Imlie is the best and she loves Imlie, Kairi claims she is very furious with her since she and pa/Atharva kept her away from Imlie. Chini sits in disbelief. Imlie grabs the phone and informs Chini that not feeding Kairi Imlie was a mistake on her part. When Chini hears Imlie's voice, she is even more surprised and wonders who is speaking. Imlie claims to be the director of the summer camp. Line is interrupted. Atharva picks up the phone, but the connection is lost. Chini is motionless. 

Chini panics and asks Rana's house for confirmation after questioning whether it was truly Imlie. Rudra selects a call. Chini asks him to phone Imlie in a different voice. Imlie is not at home, according to Rudra. Chini inquires as to her whereabouts and when she will be back. She claims to be known to Rudra. Chini becomes anxious. She is a telemarketer who is trying to promote her stuff, according to Rudra, who then cuts off the conversation. Imlie must be at the summer camp and have already met Kairi, panics Chini. She considers calling Anu, but decides against it because she believes it would only make things worse and cause more unnecessary fear. To the market she goes.

When a bystander recognises Atharva and inquires as to whether he is a Delhi-based DJ, he is at his guitar repair business. Atharva becomes anxious and claims that there was a miscommunication and requests that he leave because he is busy. He becomes enraged thinking about his DJ days and how hard he worked to establish himself, but Imlie ruined it all. He will never forgive Imlie for her betrayal. Imlie makes her way to Atharva's repair facility to have Kairi's guitar fixed. 

Atharva is at his guitar repair shop when a passerby recognises him and asks if he is a Delhi-based DJ. As Atharva becomes agitated, he is asked to leave since he is busy and says that there was a communication error. When he remembers how hard he had fought to establish himself as a DJ and how Imlie had destroyed everything, he becomes furious. Imlie's betrayal of him won't ever be forgotten by him. To have Kairi's guitar fixed, Imlie travels to Atharva's repair shop. 

When Imlie saw a bracelet maker, she asked her to make name bracelets for all the campers. Because of a lack of supplies, the artist claims she cannot manufacture Imlie's name bracelet. Imlie specifically requests that she create Kairi's name bracelet. Lady makes it and detects it through her kid. Imlie observes the names Kair and Imlie on a bracelet. Boy claims that his mother made a mistake and that he will fix it. Imlie claims that it is OK since mothers are perfect. Ahtarva fixes his instrument and requests that someone take him right away to the director. Imlie receives a call from Staff telling her that Kairi's father restored her guitar and wants to meet her.

Imlie claims that Kairi's father asked him to bring him along after seeing one more smile on Kairi's face. Rain begins. Imlie enters the vehicle and opens the window. She is thanked by Atharva for all of her assistance to Kairi. Due to sound, Imlie is unable to hear him. When she approaches a traffic bottleneck, Atharva requests that she depart; he will meet her later. Chini arrives at the summer camp to make sure it's Imlie.

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