Update on the 22nd written episode of Katha Ankahee from 2023:Viaan defeats Anirudh in the competition.

Katha and Viaan exchange blank looks as the girl inquires about the man's willingness to wait for her indefinitely. The two of them embrace. After bidding each other good night, Viaan and Katha part ways. Viaan keeps blocking the lift door from closing as they continue to stare at each other, and Katha finally waves him off.

The following morning, Viaan sets a table for Katha and himself. His pals show up to inquire about Katha. They were informed about an architectural competition, with Anirudh handling publicity beforehand. As soon as Viaan notices Katha enter the room and greet everyone, he immediately stops listening to the talk. In the panel discussion, the friends will wait for Viaan and Katha before they depart. Viaan noticing Katha's attire makes her flinch. As they begin their breakfast, Anirudh enters and inquires about their participation in the competition. He questions why, given that Viaan is unaffected by the matter, he would send Katha to take part in his conflict. Anirudh must take part because he is anticipated by aspiring candidates and is coming to dethrone Viaan. Anirrudh adjourns. Katha requests a response from Viaan about the omelette. Ignoring his talks at this time is the wisest course of action because Viaan has demonstrated his position by accepting all the projects.

In the workshop, the host helps them create something beautiful out of the trash that is on hand. EarthCon will be represented by Viaan at this event. He gathers a few things for his endeavour. The first person to finish their model, a skyscraper, was Anirush. According to his definition of love, it is giving your loved one all the comfort in the world. His building was given to her by a Maharaja as a gift. Everybody applauds him. After completing his effort, Viaan relates the story of a Maharaja who used to fight in distant locales yet cherished his wife the most. He gathered every piece of glass in the city to build a glass castle because he was confident in his ability to win the war and wanted to preserve his romantic moments.

True love always has one side and is unconditionally giving. It is merely aware of how to give without anticipating anything in return. Viaan wa commend it. Anirush objects, saying that everyone would want to live in his luxurious design. According to Anirudh, love has a cost. For Viaan, the presence of loved ones is enough because it numbs all other suffering.

returning from a workshop Katha commends Viaan on how successfully he handled Anirudh, noting that she had gained knowledge from him today. Viaan was correct to disregard him. Anirudh turns and walks away. According to Viaan, Anirudh's major problem is that he doesn't learn from his mistakes. Regarding the presentation slides she had emailed, Katha queries Viaan. Viaan was too busy to do it. In order to have a discussion, Katha will bring her laptop to his room. Viaan wonders if a coffee shop would be a better setting. If Katha doesn't agree, she'll take her laptop into his room.

Ehsan discusses the plan with the new joiner and offers a fresh colour scheme for the playground. Vanya disagrees, stating that Katha and Viaan chose that colour. Although Vanya claims that it had already been determined, Ehsan wished to move the man-made pond. She wants Ehsan to share some insightful advice with her. Vanya receives praise from Ehsan for her extensive knowledge and her willingness to take on any task. She is given the responsibility of handling everything going forward by Ehsan. Vanya wonders since it will take time. Other workers were sent home by Ehsan. The honeymoon phase for Vanya is passed; both Viaan and Vanya enjoy a challenge.

Viaan arranges a stool by the bed for Katha when she requests for his permission to enter. His room is close to the theatre, so she asks him about the noises emanating from behind the wall. Viaan's decision to stand behind Katha rather than sit has her wondering. Viaan has her trust; else, she wouldn't have gone with him. Viaan takes a seat and talks about the presentation. Alongside his pillow, Katha notices chocolates. In the evenings when Viaan is hungry, they split the chocolates.

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