The abortion of Pari begins in the written episode of Parineeti from June 22, 2023.


Scene 1:

Don't be alarmed, advises Dai Maa; everything will be okay. Where am I, Pari asks? Neeti's location. Don't worry, advises Dai; your worry will make my mission impossible. Your relatives would be present. Why won't my eyes open, asks Pari? If you open your eyes, she claims, her mission won't be completed. What task, asks Pari? What purpose did you bring me here? You won't experience pain, according to her. I'll take care of you indefinitely. Stay away from this kid. Enjoy every moment of life. You'll be free of this discomfort. What do you mean, Pari asks? She goes. Where is Pari, Sanju asks the front desk clerk. Pami claims that we let her in. In her chamber, she is not. 

Let me check, says the front desk clerk. She hasn't been moved at all. Mom of Rakesh claims she is not in her room. You must provide us with her whereabouts. Ask the doctors you are familiar with, Chandrika says. Where is Pari, Sanju yells? Rakesh starts shouting, which makes things worse. She's my wife, according to Rakesh. Sanju requests that I speak. It's my kid and my Pari, he claims. She is missing. Calm down, Sanju says, and let's chat. The staff searches the area for Pari. There arrives the senior physician. Rakesh starts to cause damage. It causes an enormous miss. The nurse dials 911.

Trying to stand up, according to Dai Maa. We must promptly perform her abortion. She needs heavy lifting done, which could be dangerous for her. But we must act. Pari picks it up. She ducks under the mattress. Police will take care of you now, the doctor says. You will be arrested, according to Chandrika. A member of our family is missing. Sanju requests that you look for her. We'll talk to the police. We will review the video, he says. Pari makes an effort to escape the basement. Looking for her is Dai maa. Dialling Dai maa is Rakesh. It will take time, she says. It is an abortion. When Pari hears it, she is curious about the caller. As per Rakesh, I paid you. Police are on their way. Police, she claims? He affirms, "Yeah, I made a drama, and now the police are here." Hurry up, he commands. Police will receive the video. She claims that the abortion has not begun. She woke up and fled. We're trying to find her. Get the abortion done, advises Rakesh. In search of Pari is Dai maa. Rakesh becomes irate. He requests Jai to check in the basement.

Scene 2: 

In the basement, the nurses perform forced abortions. You are doing a sin, Pari tells the nurse, stopping her. Herr collapses after receiving an injection from Dai Maa. It might be risky for her, according to the ward boy. The nurse discussed Pari's abortion with Neeti. Shet rises. Rakesh is questioned by the senior doctor about why he damaged the room's objects. According to Rakesh, Sanju asked me to. He merely causes issues. Sanju commands silence. Neeti's emergency is announced by Sanju to everyone. When I was with Mahesh, he claims, I spotted her. Rakesh questions whether Mahesh was the reason for his encounter. Sanju claims she is now stable. I noticed someone wearing the same bracelet as Pari, according to Sanju.

She was taken by a woman. It was definitely Pari. What woman was escorting her where? He is choked by Rakesh, who asks, "Were you sleeping?" You are responsible for taking my wife away. There are police there. Pami explains everything to them. Raksh claims Sanju saw her with another lady but took no action. I will arrest you both for fighting in a hospital, according to the police. Gurinder claims that they were under stress. Let's continue in accordance with the law, he says.

Abortion is started by Dai Maa. The ward boy claims that this is risky. Before, two females perished. She claims that I can manage situations like these. I'll take it from here. She takes the tools. No one can save you now, according to Dai Maa.

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