Update for the Bhagya Lakshmi 13th May 2023 Written Episode: Rishi is enraged with Vikrant


Virender starts the episode by enquiring about Anjana's older son. He is quite busy, according to Anjana, and she requested him to come for the wedding. The father of Vikrant urges Virender to let him know when he is performing charity and says, "I'll tell you where it's needed," adding that they would do their part and would give back whatever they could to society. We will also plan the other ceremonies, according to Anjana. According to Rano, dates will be set, and we'll start making plans right away. Anjana agrees with what you said.

Looking for Shalu is Neha. Bani queries whether Di is truly happy or just acting that way. Malishka receives a visit from Saloni, who compliments her on how stunning she is today. Thanks, Malishka. Then Saloni compliments Lakshmi. She then declares Rishi to be attractive and that he is marriage material before inquiring as to the reason for his and Lakshmi's divorce. She inquires as to Lakshmi's problems. No, says Malishka. She inquires as to Rishi's problems. What are you saying, he's getting married to me? Malishka queries. Saloni asks why the marriage ended at that point. Anjana makes a call to Saloni right away and leaves. Malishka informs Sonia of what she would have informed her, namely that Lakshmi and Rishi's marriage has failed due to their extramarital relationship.

Ayush is informed by Shalu that roka has occurred. Ayush tells them there is nothing we can do and be content with whatever occurs. Neha says she wants to speak with him and requests that she give her Ayush. She invites him to go shopping with her and explains that Lakshmi is getting married. Of certainly, he replies. When Rishi arrives, he finds Lakshmi and Vikrant sitting with Dadi beside the shrine. Dadi queries how much I spoke. Vikrant tells Dadi not to be concerned and promises to look after Lakshmi. Dadi expresses her hope. Malishka queries Rishi about the incident. if he feels down.

Rishi rejects. According to Malishka, Saloni was asking numerous questions, including why Lakshmi and you divorced. Rishi turns to face Lakshmi. Dadi is being removed from the shrine area while being held by Vikrant. As she passes him, Lakshmi. The diyas in the shrine cause her dupatta to catch fire. Lakshmi is yelled when Rishi notices it. Turning to face Lakshmi, Vikrant and the others. Vikrant makes an attempt to start the fire using her dupatta.

The flaming dupatta is torn by Rishi and thrown far. Rishi is thanked by Vikrant. Rishi reprimands him for being irresponsible and queries whether you'll look after her in this manner. Do you believe you deserve Lakshmi, he asks? Neelam is questioned by Karishma about Rishi's conversation with Vikrant. Neelam says she wishes we had visited Teerat. Malishka wonders why Rishi is acting this way and believes Vikrant will respond right away. Lakshmi becomes anxious upon observing Rishi's response. Bani and Shalu promise that they will hear Vikrant's response. As Diya was behind me, according to Vikrant, I didn't see. He then expresses regret to Rishi, Lakshmi, and the others and promises to take good care of Lakshmi in the future.

He is a frigid dude, ice baby, according to Ayush. Bani claims that I believed the relationship would end. According to Ayush, it is not a big deal. If I were Vikrant, I would have urged Rishi to keep Lakshmi with her and broken off the alliance. Malishka claims he is calm and apologising. What a thorough gentleman, Karishma remarks. Thank you Vikrant, Virender. Also thanking Vikrant is Neelam. If Rishi witnessed Vikrant's kind gesture, Karishma queries. Dadi claims that the awful thing is over. They are fortunate that Vikrant will serve as their damad, according to Rano. On behalf of Rishi, Karishma apologises to Vikrant. She is urged not to worry by Vikrant. Also apologising to him is Rishi.

Vikrant gives Rishi a hug and says, "I didn't feel bad." He praises him for sparing Rishi and says, "Today is important for me because my relationship has been fixed with Lakshmi ji for 7 births." Anjana is urged to pardon Rishi by Karishma. Leave it, says Anjana. Neelam informs Virender that she made the proper choice in a partner for Lakshmi and claims Rishi said a lot to him, but Vikrant expressed regret to him. What matters to me is what Virender says, that he will keep my daughter, Lakshmi, content throughout her entire life.

Lakshmi gets dressed as she thinks back to Rishi's worry for her. She questions why Rishi worries about me so much and looks after me, claiming that if he expresses his true feelings, everything in our relationship will fall apart. She predicts a dilemma and considers her next move. She believes that if I explain my need to leave to Rishi, he would understand.

Rishi is asked by Ayush why he reprimanded her. If Vikrant will look after her in this manner, Rishi asks. Ayush explains to him that you are Lakshmi's buddy and that he is going to be her future spouse. Lakshmi is visited by Shalu, who informs her that had Vikrant become enraged, the marriage would have been annulled. Lakshmi is only your buddy, according to Ayush, and Vikrant is her prospective spouse. He requests that he get out of their path.

You are still considering ending the marriage, Lakshmi claims, and she reminds you of her commitment. If you want Lakshmi's marriage to terminate, Ayush advises that you leave them alone because she is merely your buddy. Shalu claims Ayush gave him the name "ice baby." Vikrant, according to Lakshmi, is understanding and has strong morals. Jiju didn't have it, Shalu inquires, and he claims to have fought with Vikrant out of concern for you.

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