Chiku embraces Meet in the written update for the 13th of May 2023.


Sumeet steals 2000 rupees from a person's wallet to pay for medical expenses. Sumeet replies, "I'll also make money like my mother," after recalling a story her father recounted about how her mother received money after winning a cricket match. Meet approaches Sumeet and informs him that we must leave today for the factory pooja; as a result, you must depart with Dadi, and we will meet you there. She is asked to join Dadi by Manmeet. Manmeet and Meet depart after Manmeet suggests they head to the orphanage and then to the puja. Sumeet apologises to his parents for lying, but insists that he must do so in order to help someone else since Chiku Bhaiya is ill and needs to be seen by a doctor.

According to Gunwanti, Meet was talking about our alcohol plant because she was feeling envious. She never gave her family's respect a thought, according to Mahendra, and my brother is standing by her. I'm keeping quiet because of Bapu Sarkar. Gunwanti claims that Manmeet is mocked for always standing behind his wife, but that is how men behave. If his wife had stated it was improper to create an alcohol plant, he would have said the same, therefore I believe Meet must have given him something to eat. After hearing you talking negatively about her, Jasodha enters and asks if you're happy. Today is your day to beg, so think positively. Mahendra claims that while Gunwanti is young, he is trying to educate me and is correct.

Jasodha claims, "I can see and hear everything, and what wrong did they do to you two? They simply gave you advice, and you can choose whether or not to heed it." Gunwanti claims that your younger daughter-in-law breached all of the village's regulations by hiring women; she is aware that Bapu Sarkar approved of our factory. Jasodha claims that alcohol has destroyed homes, and you two are well aware that men who consume alcohol cause suffering to women. He has expressed nothing but the truth in this regard. Gunwanti claims that you also believe we are failing. Panditji is here, Jasodha says; be ready. Are your Manmeet and Meet prepared for the pooja? Gunwanti claims that we are prepared. Think positively and don't worry; they will arrive, Jasodha says before walking away.

Chiku emerged from the storage area in search of Sumeet. Boy is in this house, just find him and don't let him escape, Kanika says as she and her guys enter the home. Kanika and his soldiers begin their search for Chiku. Chiku hid from them down a flight of steps. Men, please take a close look, Kanika requests. Chiku attempts to flee, but Kanika notices him and orders his men to catch him.

Chiku flee the home and take cover behind a column. Everyone exits the house.

No one is in the orphanage, Chand informs Meet and Manmeet, adding that you may obtain any information you require. meeting and. Manmeet begins to look for any relevant information.

Chiku is hiding behind a thela after hurting his leg. Kanika and the surrounding hie men. He must be here, adds Kanika, so look for him.

Chanda displays two boxes containing memorabilia pertaining to Mohan and the kid who went away. Look at the computer, meet. One of the boxes has the blanket that Anubha gave and has her name on it.

Chiku is attempting to walk at a market.

Manmeet requests that Meet move quickly. Please inspect the clothes while it loads, Chanda requests. Meet peering into the trunk of Chiku. Meet's phone begins to ring. Come quickly, says Jasodha; the pooja is about to begin. Meet urges her to watch over Sumer and adds that we will arrive at some point. According to Jasodha, Sumeet did not accompany me despite having promised to do so and hinting that she might be at home. I ask Sumeet to stay with Jasodha after Meet informs Manmeet that Sumeet isn't with her. Manmeet urges leaving immediately and promising to return later. Chanda shut the trunk completely.

The man discovers Chiku. Kanika orders his men to take him away and threatens to subject him to severe torture.

Manmeet requests that Meet move quickly. Please inspect the clothes while it loads, Chanda requests. Meet peering into the trunk of Chiku. Meet's phone begins to ring. Come quickly, says Jasodha; the pooja is about to begin. Meet urges her to watch over Sumer and adds that we will arrive at some point. According to Jasodha, Sumeet did not accompany me despite having promised to do so and hinting that she might be at home. I ask Sumeet to stay with Jasodha after Meet informs Manmeet that Sumeet isn't with her. Manmeet urges leaving immediately and promising to return later. Chanda shut the trunk completely.

The man discovers Chiku. Kanika orders his men to take him away and threatens to subject him to severe torture.

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