The film "Cartel" tells the tale of the five gangsters who rule Mumbai: the boss of Aarey, "Angre," the lord of Dharavi, "Khan," the taxi and auto union boss and beggars racket king, "Gajraj," the master of cricket betting, and producer of Bollywood films. Rani Maai's vengeance and Aarey's throne game are at the center of the story.


"Cartel," which is set in modern-day Mumbai, centres on the criminals that run the city's criminal underbelly. The agreement that Rani Maai (Supriya Pathak) reached with the other gang leaders, Anna (Kannan Arunachalam), Gajraj (Shubhrajyoti Barat), Chairman (Ashwath Bhatt), and Khan (Anil George), is the reason Mumbai hasn't had any gang-related bloodshed in the past 15 years. Their illicit activity has been kept distinct from their allotted areas, with the caveat that "no one will meddle in another person's business."

Rani Maai is a strong woman in and of herself. She strongly relies on the support of her own blood, Abhay Angre (Ritvik Dhanjani), as well as her two nephews Madhukar Mhatre called Madhu Bhau (Jitendra Joshi) and Arjun Mhatre aka Major Bhau (Tanuj Virwani), whom she treats as her kids. It is up to Rani Maai's three sons to rise to the occasion and seek retribution while keeping their business afloat in the face of other crime lords after she is shot in her own warehouse and placed in a coma. This appears to be the start of a major gang conflict.

The concept by Ekta Kapoor and the direction by Prashant Bhagia are sharp and taut, keeping the spectator riveted the entire time. The characters are introduced and the overarching premise is established over the course of several episodes in the first season. The pace picks up and the adrenaline factor increases in the latter episodes as these crime lords' unlawful operations are revealed, as well as the connections between the political, judicial, and business spheres and the criminal underground. Each character is developed so that viewers may identify with them.to every single one of them and the explanations for their actions.

Fast-paced and almost always starting with murder, this fictional series was created by Sambit Mishra and Monish K Talpade. The show's interesting backstory is revealed later in each episode. The one-liners and banter in the "bhai log" accent are perfect. Even the series' background music, composed by Bharatt-Saurabh, consistently has a captivating melody. Last but not least, the dramatic conflict and surprising events make for thrilling viewing.

Despite the fact that the plot of "Cartel" is similar to other gang war dramas like "Mum Bhai," "Satya," and others, the web series' characters stand out. Tanuj Virwani stands out from the crowd with his portrayal of Major Bhau, the only one who is rational, calm, organised, and cool. As the impatient and revolting Madhu Bhau, who makes decisions based on impulse rather than logic, Jitendra Joshi gives a solid performance. He contributes to the comedy of the performance by making people laugh out loud. As Rama, Madhu's devoted and loving wife, Girija Oak is outstanding.

Rithvik Dhanjani has an intriguing character path, and he shines through the range of emotions his persona exhibits. The plot is turned around by other characters, including Abhay's love interest Maya (played by Monica Dogra) and his niece Nevelle Dorabjee (played by Samir Soni). The roles of the Angre daughters, Pranati Rai Prakash as Sumi and Aditi Vasudev as Shweta, are not particularly substantial. However, Dhaval (played by Amey Wagh), Shweta's live-in partner, has a significant impact.

A letdown was Supriya Pathak's brief appearances in the first few episodes. She immediately leaves the audience wanting more of her when she reappears at the end of the tenth episode (which is somewhat late) and says, "Angre rote nahi, rulate hain." In addition to Anil George as Khan, the other four gang leaders—Kannan Arunachalam as Anna, Shubhrajyoti Barat as Gajraj, Ashwath Bhatt as Chairman—have all delivered strong performances.

In a nutshell, this "Cartel" will offer lots of murder, slaughter, and gunfights if gang conflicts are your thing. Every episode will pique your interest and leave you wanting more while hinting at the upcoming season, especially the unanticipated climax.

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