Update for the written episode of Kundali Bhagya from July 22, 2023: the Luthra's are in danger from Shristhi

In order to avoid causing her sister any suffering, Shristhi agrees to go. She asks the doctor to take care of her sister and tells Preeta in a hushed voice that she will be back in two or three hours. After thanking the doctor, Shristhi leaves the room. When Mohit asks how they will get to the Luthra house, Shristhi responds that they must leave Preeta je because she is still unconscious and they won't let anyone enter the intensive care unit. Shristhi thanks Diya and Ajay for protecting her sister and getting her to the hospital at the appropriate time. 

Mohit calls Palki and tells her that Rajveer is locked in the police station so they both must go to him before them but should not tell him about Preeta je's condition. Diya agrees to stay in this place for a few more hours. Mohit asks if Rajveer is in the Luthra house. Shristhi replies that he is in the custody of the police and they must go there. Palki suggests they speak with the Inspector after Gurpreet and Palki arrive at the police station but are unable to locate Shristhi and Mohit. Palki mentions that they are Rajveer's neighbours and inquires as to whether Shristhi and Mohit have arrived, but the Inspector responds that no one with that name has arrived.

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Palki asks to meet Rajveer, but the inspector declines, saying no one can do so until they've finished their inquiry. When the Inspector states that it will take a long time, Gurpreet inquires as to its anticipated completion. Palki suggests they meet Rajveer, but the Inspector initially objects but then agrees. The Inspector then phones Patel to drive them to Rajveer, who then reveals to Palki that he was the one who set up the call for Rajveer.

Palki approaches Rajveer and inquires as to how he got here. Rajveer responds that today was Kavya's function and he attended on her invitation, but there was theft for which he has been blamed. When Palki asserts that there is no need for him to prove anything to them, Gurpreet explains that they are going to the father of Palki as he knows some lawyers. Rajveer assures her that he did not steal anything.

Inability to control her rage, Shristhi starts throwing rocks at the Luthra Mansion, demanding that they leave. Mohit tries to stop her, but she insists that she is not afraid of anyone and that she does not remember the day when she severed all ties with this family and left. Rakhi is speaking with Karina bua and Bani Dadi when they notice the rock and mention that someone is throwing rocks at their house. Shaurya and Nidhi then arrive and inquire as to what has happened, and when they are told the truth, Rakhi chooses to step outside and investigate.

Palki inquires as to whether Preeta je is aware that he has been arrested, and Rajveer responds that he made a video call but left the phone connected so that she saw him being arrested and even attempted to stop the police from arresting him but was injured. Rajveer then asks if she is okay. Shristhi maa is his mother.

Palki inquires as to whether Preeta je knows he has been arrested. Rajveer responds that he made a video call but left the phone connected so she saw him being arrested and even attempted to stop the police from arresting him but was injured. He then asks if she is okay. Shristhi maa is Rajveer's mother. Palki asks Rajveer if he knows; he responds that if she tells him then it would be good; Palki responds she has complete faith in him and knows. Rajveer explains that even Shristhi maa is very easily offended and he is worried if she does anything wrong. Gurpreet assures Rajveer that she is going to speak with the father of Palki and everything will be sorted out.

Shristhi is furiously throwing rocks and ordering the Luthra family to leave. Nidhi emerges but is startled to see Shristhi standing there and inquires as to her purpose. Shristhi then demands a rock and prepares to strike Nidhi with it when Shaurya appears and inquires as to whether Shristhi is insane. Shristhi is stunned and keeps staring at the two men.


Shristhi makes fun of Nidhi for bringing up her son in such a manner, and Shaurya advises them both to leave.

Shristhi teases Nidhi for raising her baby in such a way despite the fact that he shares the same father, saying that this is the problem with them all since they all only think about themselves. Shristhi says they need to show some decency. Shaurya advises them to depart from this place. Shristhi forewarns them both, claiming that they have just accused her son of the crime, but she is going to depart and make sure he escapes. Shristhi tells them both that they need to let everyone know that she has arrived and urges Mohit to start the bike. Along with Shaurya, Nidhi returns to the Luthra Mansion.

Mohit turns to Shristhi and asks why his bike isn't standing. Shristhi advises him not to tell anyone that she performed this drama here, and Mohit agrees. As the Luthra family is wronging her kid, Shristhi swears to show them a lesson and declares she would exact justice for all the issues that have affected both her sister and Rajveer.

When Bani Dadi says that someone has broken the window glass, Karan rushes down to investigate. Rakhi stops him from continuing, Bani Dadi declares that it is some mentally unstable woman, and Nidhi and Shaurya have gone to handle it. Karan then thinks of Preeta and rushes out without even stopping for Nidhi. When Bani Dadi says he went to hunt for that woman, she inquires as to his whereabouts.

When Karan arrives to stop them both, Shristhi hops on the bike and rides off with Mohit. Nidhi also appears when Karan inquires as to whether she witnessed the strange individuals who were cursing the Luthras, and she claims they were some crazy people.

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When Shaurya replies that he would only sleep if they allowed him because a crazy woman came here, Bani Dadi explains that she shattered their house's window, Rishab also descends and asks Rakhi whether they should both leave. He is shocked to see Shaurya and wonders why he hadn't slept up until now. Shaurya replies that he does not know anything about the woman but that she was only making negative remarks about the Luthra family and even cursing his father, which he did not appreciate at all. Rishab then inquires as to who the lady was. When Rishab asks Karan who the woman is, Karan responds that she had already left when he had gone there.

Shaurya agrees with Nidhi when she demands that they put the past behind them and move on, but Bani Dadi disagrees, insisting that they must lodge a complaint. When Karan asks Rishab where he is going, Rishab replies that Rakhi wants to meet Rajveer's aunt. Nidhi declines, saying she cannot leave because she never knows what she might be capable of. When Shaurya remarks that Rajveer's aunt is very nice, Karan responds that it is not what is happening right now, but rather that his mother wants to meet Rajveer's aunt, so they are going.

When Rakhi mom claims she will only arrive after changing her clothing, Rishab asks why they are making such a big deal out of nothing. Rishab then instructs the other family members to go to their rooms while he waits in his car. When Nidhi notices that everyone is present but Kavya is missing, she becomes concerned and wonders where she is.

Palki is strolling through the police station when she knocks into Kavya, who loses her phone. Palki apologises to her and then assists her in retrieving her stuff. After Kavya leaves with the lady constable, Palki begins to wonder where she last saw Kavya because her face looks familiar.

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