Kumkum Bhagya Written Episode Update for July 4, 2023: Prachi congratulates Ranbir

Manpreet instructs Akshay at the beginning of the episode to speak with Ranbir and make a decision afterwards. She informs Mihika that Akshay values having her as a sibling. If you're married, Mihika begs you to go out with Ranbir. Says Ranbir, "No." He claims to have been previously married, but his wife had already departed. Like my partner dumped me, Mihika claims. They are asked to speak later, and Vishaka requests that Prachi greet them. Prachi visits Ranbir and Mihika and does their aarti and tilak. His aarti is accepted. They are instructed by Vishaka to enter while keeping their right legs within. 

Divya and Neha deliver the kalash and declare that Mihika promised to perform the ritual. The girl performs this after her marriage because marriage is a lifelong commitment, according to Prachi, who stops them and explains that this is grah pravesh rasam. Ranbir remarks that Akshay and your marriage are similar. Prachi claims that I must have kicked the kalash to enter when I first arrived. Vishaka asserts that Prachi is correct—this is rasam, not a game. She claims he is both our damad and not damad. To pick the kalash, she instructs Prachi. Picked by Prachi. They are invited inside by Vishaka. The people enter.

Ranbir is informed by Akshay that he has a question for him. I know you, and many people here want to interrogate you, says Ranbir. Why didn't you call us, asks Ashok. I'm sorry, Ranbir says, but I was unable to call you. What happened to your wife, asks Akshay? What does Mihika say? He just entered the room. We'll talk to him later, according to Ashok. We were unaware that the man was Ranbir when he said he would stay with us for a few days. According to Mihika, not even I knew.

Ranbir is invited inside to remain in the guest room. Divya claims that we also engaged in dance. Ranbir tells Mihika that, up until they reject him, he is overjoyed that her family embraced him. He tells Prachi and Akshay that he wants to dance and asks their permission. The Dhol men are asked to play it out loud by Mihika.

Ranbir begins to dance and joins Mihika in a dance. They dance with Abhay, Divya, and Neha. Prachi appears dejected. Later on in the space, Prachi requests Akshay to speak and states, "I am tense seeing you like this." She queries his concern for Mihika and begs him to consider her. She thinks you shouldn't trust Ranbir because you don't know him. Akshay claims that although he likes Ranbir a lot, he was upset to discover that he is not married. Prachi claims that the woman he married is...Akshay claims he is now single. Prachi claims that before, he was....You merely said that it's acceptable because everyone has a past, according to Akshay.

We'll give her a chance, according to Prachi. When the past doesn't affect the present, according to Akshay, everything is well. He informs Prachi that Mihika exhibits aggressive behaviour when she is in love and commits an inconceivable act. He says I'll check with his first wife, Ranbir, with whom he was married. Why, says Prachi? Akshay requests that we determine whether or not he is reliable. He queries your feelings towards him. What should I say, wonders Prachi. When you gaze at him, Akshay claims, that's when you feel and speak from your heart. Prachi claims Ranbir...I believe he is not who he seems to be. Why are you experiencing this, Akshay queries? Prachi claims that she believes Ranbir to be a flirt/play guy.

Mihika confides in Ranbir that she thinks Bhai is doubting her because he wants a sincere man for her. She queries whether he also believes her bhabhi has reservations. Your Bhabhi is in good hands, according to Ranbir, who also promises to make a call. Mihika decides to visit Prachi and ask her not to question their relationship. Akshay claims to be a guy who can relate to Ranbir. Why is she against Ranbir, he wonders? Prachi claims to be a woman who has understanding. You are innocent, claims Akshay, and you don't comprehend people.

You are unaware of Mihika's shortcomings, he claims. Prachi advises that sometimes it's best to overlook a person's imperfections and reminds the listener that Mihika is her own sister and that they should focus on her strengths rather than her shortcomings. When Akshay questions if this is the truth or Mihika's new strategy, she replies, "You said right, but I'll go and talk to Ranbir and Mihika." He leaves.

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