Damini intends to murder Gungun at her birthday celebration in the written episode for Radha Mohan from July 6, 2023.

It was a great party, but Gungun says she needs a big party with her friends now that she's older. Mohan responds that she hasn't gotten that old and that they'll have the same things at her party this time. Radha tells Gungun that her father is just playing the part and has already begun making preparations for the party. Mohan hugs Gungun and mentions that they're going to have the same things at the party.

While Gungun continues to give everyone hugs one by one, Damini yells at Mohan to stop helping her so much, saying that this party will be the reason for Gungun's death the following day. When Kaveri asks where Radha is going, Tulsi responds that she is going to look for her ghost friend and will also be considering why Tulsi was unable to save Gungun. Damini then warns that they must ensure Radha is unable to speak with Tulsi in order to prevent her from disclosing the entire truth, adding that they must deal with Radha before dealing with Gungun.

When Radha enters Gungun's room, she wonders why Tulsi was unable to save Gungun today. Radha believes that this can only mean that Tulsi is in great suffering since otherwise, she would not have allowed her to sustain even a single scratch. Radha calls Tulsi repeatedly, asking if she is there because she knows that Tulsi is in a lot of trouble, but Tulsi does not answer. Radha apologises for leaving her in this situation and asks for a sign, but Tulsi is unable to move, so Radha departs. As she walks in the balcony, tensed and wondering where Tulsi has gone,When Tulsi finally notices the door, she cries out that she is there but is in excruciating pain and is unable to move since Damini and Kaveri have rendered her so powerless that she is unable to even assist her own daughter. When Mohan abruptly stops Radha from opening the door, he tells her that he understands her anxiety over Gungun's fall from the balcony but that it was all an accident and that Ba Kai Bihari jee sent her at the right time. He then gives her a bear hug and asks how many times she will protect them because if she hadn't been there, who knows what might have happened to Gungun. 

Radha explains that since her mother would always be around her, either she or Tulsi ji, they won't ever leave her alone. Although they both need to rest because they also need to prepare for the birthday party, Mohan comments that today was a very hectic day. Radha begs him to leave while she brings the water. whether Radha is not paying attention when Mohan asks whether she is listening, he continues, "She must bring water with the salt since he has to sprinkle it over the injuries to his heart." Radha is stopped by Mohan and asked to not take any tension. He then adds that she must come soon since he cannot stay without her. 

When Radha asks him why he is speaking in this way and then departs, he feels as though his heart begins to beat faster and he fears that it may stop. Mohan adjourns. Tulsi asks Ba Kai Bihari jee for assistance so she can find Radha and speak with her.

When Ketki mentions that she put a lot of effort into the cards while he only had to take a printout, Ajeet becomes anxious and says there is no need to worry because he has just purchased a new Epson printer, which is a very affordable printer. Ketki is thrilled to see the card and is shocked when Ajeet says they must kiss on this occasion, but he points to the card.

When Radha asks Tulsi for a sign and the drum begins to move, she wonders why she did nothing when Gungun was about to fall and wonders if Damini has not done anything to her. Radha is relieved that Tulsi is okay because she was having such strange thoughts. Radha turns when she hears someone coughing and realises there is a problem. She then declares that something is wrong. Damini is hiding behind the window.

When Kaveri suddenly emerges from the drum and declares that her daughter would one day kill her, Radha pretends to be walking away. Indignant by seeing Kaveri, Radha demands to know why Rahda is there. When Radha inquires as to Kaveri's activity in the drum, the latter responds hesitantly with, "What would anyone do in the drum?" but since there was nothing inside, Kaveri simply sat there. Radha responds that it is all a fake since Damini and Kaveri both know she is attempting to talk to Tulsi, which is why they are pulling this act off, and that Kaveri hasn't played hide and seek so she started hiding. She is happy that Rahda arrived to play with her. 

Kaveri reveals that Tulsi passed away five years ago and is the one who keeps beating them as Radha angrily demands to know what they did to her. Damini enters the kitchen and asks what Radha is going to tell everyone that she is speaking with a ghost, hearing which they would send her to the mental hospital. Radha responds that she will not expose the truth so should she summon everyone.

Radha presses Damini to explain what she did to Tulsi after she asks if she is going to claim that they killed a ghost. Damini replies that Tulsi will remember what they did and will soon be compelled to leave this realm, leaving Radha helpless. When Kaveri is asked why she revealed the truth, Damini responds that there was no other option and commands her to leave the drum immediately or else Radha will begin hitting them once more.

Tulsi was in excruciating pain, but Radha claims that because she put her name on the mirror and wanted to talk to her, Mohan could hear her voice. Tulsi believes that she is aware of Radha's concern for her, but Radha must defend her because their Gungun is in far more danger and she is unsure of what Damini and Kaveri are thinking.

In the morning, Damini is holding a candle. When Kaveri asks why she brought it, Damini responds that it will be the cause of Gungun's demise. When Kaveri responds that it is not her birthday, Damini insists that she blow at the candle. Kaveri does as instructed, but the candle refuses to go out and keeps re-lighting. Kaveri wonders whether Damini performed some sort of magic on the candle, to which Damini responds that there are many products available in the market,Damini chooses a lotus candle and explains that it won't blow either, and that if Gungun blows it harder, the gunpowder inside the lotus flower will ignite, killing Gungun. Kaveri beams.

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