Update for the written episode of Saavi Ki Savaari from July 6, 2023: Saavi shares her sentiments for Nityam with Manav.

Saavi begins the episode by informing Nityam that they have made the decision and commitment to move on with our lives following their divorce. She claims that Manav kept his word and gave me time to overcome my past. Now that you've arrived, she asks, "How do you leave him?" and claims that he has done her and her family numerous favours. Nityam claims you made promises, commitments, and requests for favours but omitted to mention your love for Manav. He inquires as to if you are willing to sacrifice your entire life for the favour.

You don't know Monu, Saavi replies, and I don't know what's right or wrong. I know him better than you, Nityam claims. He says, "Leave it," recalling what he learned about him. "I thought you would accept me and my love, maybe I got here too late," he says. He claims that because you rejected my love, I love you more for your qualities than anything else. Even she, according to Saavi, is aware of all his virtues, but now is not the appropriate time. We shall be strangers, he claims, if Nityam and Saavi don't develop into Saiyam. Saavi declares, "I respect your choice." They witness the water rapidly filling up. He is instructed to proceed by Nityam. Saavi rejects leaving.

Vedika tells Nutan not to worry and to calm down and assures him that nothing bad would occur as a result of the storm. To ensure the safety of Saavi and Nityam, she requests that Pandit ji perform Maha Mrityunjay jaap. Nityam tells Saavi to go because the water is quickly filling up. She declines. He is adamant. Beginning the Mrityunjay jaap is Pandit ji. During the jaap, everyone stands with their hands folded. Saavi plunges into the water. Nityam yells, "Saavi!" Saavi is shouted as he dips and peeks inside.

Vedika asks Mahakaal to protect Nityam and Saavi. She says the storm has subsided at this point. The jaap, according to Pandit ji, is finished. Saavi and Nityam are seen arriving there by Ananya. Everyone can see them coming. Saavi is always seen sporting his coat or jacket. Vedika hugs Nityam, while Nutan hugs Saavi. Nutan gives God praise for delivering her safely. She assures Vedika that she said correctly. Vedika queries your well-being. Where were they, she queries Nityam. Saavi remembers Nityam's declaration of love. Ratna expresses gratitude to Nityam for saving Saavi by bringing her back. 

Saavi, according to Nityam, saved my life. Assuring Saavi that they won't spend any time, Manav claims that his bride has arrived. Nutan is informed by her that they would get married. Saavi is instructed by Manav to go to her room and get ready. He invites Vedika to go. Nityam is invited by Vedika. Nityam continues to look dejected. We're going home, he says. Raksham argues that we shouldn't go at this time since the blocked road will cause us to become stuck on route. Nityam says I should ask Kiran to reserve any reliable cab. Nityam is urged to support him by Manav. In order to find solace, he begs Nityam to witness his marriage to Saavi.

You will agree to this, he claims. He claims that we are not and never will be friends, but as a gift from you, I want you to attend our wedding. He expresses regret to Pandit ji for his unkind behaviour towards him. He suggests that since everything is a mess, we should clean up the area around the temple. Raksham promises to assist.

Nityam is enlisted by Manav to lend a hand. Nityam nods in agreement. Saavi gets dressed once more and dons the jewellery. Lipstick is applied by Sonam. She informs Nutan that she wishes to speak with Monu after remembering Nityam's confession of love. Manav gives everyone credit for preparing the mandap. Manav is informed by Nutan that Saavi wants to speak with him. What does he ask? Manav leaves. Manav is cautioned by Sonam, who adds that we have worked so hard for this day. When Manav arrives, he informs Saavi that she is glowing in the rain. She asserts that she does not desire his humour. He claims I had forgotten we aren't allowed to stare at one another.

Manav is informed by Saavi that in just 3–4 hours today, a lot took place between her and Dr. Dalmia. What, says Manav? Saavi informs him that Mr. Dalmia has saved her life today and that he has expressed his love for her and asked for a chance with her. He claims that after confessing his love, he experienced a level of happiness he had never experienced before. However, after thinking of you, he claims he realised he would fail as a wife and an attempt to bring happiness to you.

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