Mahesh Bhatt, a filmmaker, entered the house in a touching and moving episode of Bigg Boss OTT 2 and brought with him a wealth of unrecorded family history tales. The audience were struck by the open admissions and the strength of sticking together in trying circumstances over the family week.
Mahesh Bhatt talked openly about the difficulties he encountered when his early films were not commercially successful. Pooja Bhatt, his daughter, provided a bright spot in the midst of those trying times. She was crucial in helping the family through those trying times, serving as their rock.
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Pooja Bhatt took the initiative to pursue a modelling profession and made multiple auditions for commercials while Mahesh Bhatt was going through a rough patch. She achieved success in the field of modelling as a result of her commitment and labour of love. With her income, she developed into a pillar of support for the family, assisting them in overcoming obstacles related to money.
Mahesh Bhatt recalled those times by saying, "Pooja's mother took her to check if the tiny girl could obtain any modelling projects and she received her first commercial. Pooja received payments of Rs 3,000 for the image and Rs 300 for the newspaper advertisement for the soap. She managed our home when I was unable to do so during my difficult times.
Pooja Bhatt's fortitude and tenacity demonstrated the value of family unity while also bringing stability to their home. Her efforts demonstrated the everlasting support within the Bhatt family and served as a source of inspiration for Mahesh Bhatt.
This heartwarming revelation emphasised the value of strong family ties during trying times and the strength of cooperating in the face of hardship. The support Pooja Bhatt provided for her family was evidence of the tenacity and tenacity that can be found within a strong family.