Now enjoying the fruits of her brilliant career, Alia Bhatt is the undisputed queen of Bollywood. With the arrival of her daughter Raha in November of last year and her marriage to Ranbir Kapoor, the actress has been everywhere. Alia received a National Award for her role in Gangubai Kathiawadi following the box office triumph of Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. She recently spoke at a leadership gathering, days after winning the coveted prize. Among the topics she covered were overcoming negativity and revealing the face of her newborn girl Raha to the public.
The Raazi actress recently wowed at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit, where she was questioned about always being harassed and facing harsh criticism on social media. Even Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, who has frequently attacked the actress, has frequently criticised the actress.
When questioned about negativity on social media at the Leadership Summit, Alia Bhatt responded that negative would spread more quickly than optimism, even if she said 14 wise things. According to the Gully Boy actor, she has experienced various levels of criticism throughout her life. She used to be more dismissive, saying things like "forget it, nobody cares," but now she seems more defensive.
"There's not really anything I can do about it, but someone can look at me and not like my face," stated Alia Bhatt. "Trolls of any kind have never encountered me beforehand. Positive comments don't bother anyone, so I hope the conversation stops and you may go on. I don't blame anyone for it, but I think it may have also made me a more private person. You can't say this about me, I have never said in my life. It has occasionally been said to speak whole lies. I've never responded because I think that's not how I want to come across.
At the same event, Alia Bhatt discussed revealing Raha's face to the world and said that she isn't avoiding the media. However, she and Ranbir Kapoor expressed uncertainty about their reactions to seeing Raha's face all over the internet. The actress also revealed that she might feel comfortable revealing her baby's face tomorrow or in the near future, saying that it will happen whenever they, as parents, decide it's the appropriate moment.