Anupama's Decision Shocks Anuj in the upcoming written episode of Anupama from May 28, 2023.

Anuj admits to Anupama that he was unable to witness Little Anu sobbing and pleading with him not to abandon them. He claims that even now, he is unable to forget Maaya's condition and Little Anu's pleadings and that he would not have been able to forgive himself if something had happened to Maaya. Since Maaya is still not well, he is complying with all of her instructions. He claims he has no idea how he survived the past month of shock, anxiety, guilt, etc.; 

He regrets harming her. He swears to God that he had no romantic or sexual contacts with Maaya and that he was only trying to protect her because she was Little Anu's mother and he was afraid that if Anupama visited him in Mumbai, Maaya's mental condition would get worse. He just wanted to keep her away from Maaya's crazy. He is asked to stop by Anupama. Anuj claims that because he alone loves her, she is the one to whom he would always belong. Music from Tere Liye Hum Hain Jiye can be heard in the distance.

Maya wants Barkha to call Ankush and find out where Anuj is since she is terrified that Anuj and Anupama must have crossed paths. Calling Ankush, Barkha queries his whereabouts. He is in her heart, Ankush quips. Where is he physically right now, wonders Barkha. She is aware that he needs to keep some business secrets private and that he can't say more when her phone is on speaker and someone else is present. Anuj keeps apologising to Anupama. Anupama gives him a heartfelt hug. 

The song Tere Liye Hum Hain Jiye In the background, music is playing. They remember how they used to date. Anupama questions why he suffered in silence and refused to confide in her, saying that he should have trusted Anu. They hug each other while they both sob a lot.

Anuj claims he is relieved everything is finally understood. Why did he suffer alone?, Anupama continues. Anuj claims he was worried she wouldn't listen to him and develop a dislike for him. Anupama asserts that she can hate herself but not him and that if he keeps saying the same thing, she would actually stop speaking to him forever. According to Anuj, he took the necessary action at the time.

Anupama claims that while time is the biggest obstacle and that decisions must be made in accordance with the circumstances, she acknowledges that occasionally they must be made. Now that everything is obvious, she believes she would have made the same choice if she had been in his shoes. Anuj queries what would happen next and whether there is a fix for this issue.

He is stopped by Anupama, who explains that he cannot leave Maaya and return to her since time has provided her with two paths: one requires her to wait for him endlessly and turn into a stone; the other is for her to continue on. She has learned to move on despite being instructed to wait and not do so; she has no complaints about him because he has agreed to take care of Maaya and she would take care of herself; 

They are superior to those who only experience togetherness in life rather than love; they already experienced love, and even she wants to go on. He went on. She advises them to go right away because it's extremely late and their families must be concerned. He gave her the guts to announce that she would rather go home alone. His watch catches her pallu. She releases it and leaves. The song Tere Liye keeps playing in the background. Anuj strolls in a new path.

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