Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein Written Episode Update for July 1st, 2023: Savi feels disappointed by Bhavani's choice.

Harini is shown a picture of a boy by Bhavani, who asks her opinion. He's fine, says Harini. Savi wonders whose picture she is hiding. Bhavani asks the boy how he is and responds that she doesn't do anything to hide. He is excellent, according to Savi, but too young for Bhavani. For Savi, according to Bhavani. Savi claims that she frequently informed her that she didn't want to get married and that her goal was to become an IAS official. Bhavani claims she wishes for her to forget everything and settle down as a housewife. Savi makes further attempts to confront but pauses at Ashwini's urging. Bhavani claims Shantabai worked very hard to put this coalition together.

Riva enjoys thinking back on her conversation with Ishan. her parents have called. If she saw the Bhosale Institute, Ashutosh queries. Riva claims she has an admission. What about Swati's claim that she had already applied to a London institute? According to Ashutosh, the Bhosale Institute is well-known throughout the world, and guest lecturers from the London Institute frequently visit. If Riva is admitted to the London institute, Swati insists that she must attend the lectures because there is a distinction between guest lectures and legitimate courses. Yes, Riva nods. Ashutosh promises that he would call Rao Saheb to let him know that his daughter was admitted to his institute without a recommendation. He sends Riva his best regards.

Ishan's wicked cousin sisters Durva and Avni play their SIL Shikha's vintage dance video on TV at the Bhosale residence. Shikha sweats in terror and begs for the TV to be turned off. The remote and movable cells of Durva and Avni are concealed. Before their MIL Surekha arrives, their mother reprimands them and tells Shikha to turn off the TV. Sikha forgets to turn off the TV. Upon entering, Surekha makes Surekha feel bad. She claims she expected obedience when she got a poor girl married to her son Chinmay, but Sikha is dancing obscenely on stage. 

Sikha claims that the footage is old. Durva and Avni read the feedback left on the video and Sikha's response. Rao Saheb, her husband, walks in. She accuses him of having their DIL sell their honour for 501 rupees. Sikha claims the footage is old. If it's outdated, Durva asks Sikha to erase it. Sikha pauses. If it's an ancient memory, can she preserve it, wonders Rao. Surekha yells incessantly.

Ashwini enters Savi's room and makes an effort to calm her down. Savi is furious at Ashwini's choice. She is asked by Ashwini to meet the boy once. Harini enters after her and queries Savi about why she appears so composed and what she is doing. Savi acknowledges that she would be travelling to Pune for her admission exam and asks for assistance. Initially reacting, Harini eventually concurs.

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