Ilahi visits Jahan in the written episode of Junooniyat from July 19, 2023.

Ilahi tells Husna that after she won the competition, a girl approached her and said, "Ilahi didi, you really inspired me." I can also learn to sing. I believe that if I give up on my desire, other ladies would lose their motivation. I'll fulfil my desire. My dreams caused my dad to receive teasing. I'll send my mother back.

The mother of Seerat queries, "Who is my daughter in love with?" You cannot elude me. What if you love someone but he loves someone else, asks Seerat. Why would you love someone like that, she asks? She claims that girl is also married and that he is seeking to relocate. Your mother should tell him, she says. What if he says no, she asks? Was it Jahan, asks her mother? Asks Seerat, "How do you know?" I can see in your eyes, she claims. When that girl returns, Seerat declares what. You told me that girl is happily married, she claims. I'll slap her out of your life if she returns. Jahan is a great guy, according to her. If she should tell Jahan, Seerat muses.

When Bebe calls Ilahi. Do you want to cook tonight, she asks? Stuffed tomatoes, according to Ilahi. They are incredibly pricey, according to Husna. There are no tomatoes at home, according to Bebe. I'm going to bring them, Ilahi says. She visits the marketplace. Ilahi is driving. The same route is also where Jahan's automobile is. Calling many producers, Ilahi asks whether she can send them her samples. Jahan exits the vehicle while still sporting his hoodie. He witnesses several thugs assaulting a seasoned vegetable vendor. Jahan strikes them, preserving the man. His vegetables are returned once the thugs flee. Ilahi frequents the same marketplace. The man gives Jahan thanks. Jahan advises not to worry. I'll pay for everything. He receives some cash from Jahan.

My daughter, he claims, is in the hospital. Jaha provides him additional funds. Ilahi senses the presence of Jahan. No, she asserts, this emotion is also incorrect. I won't go back on what I said. Ilahi purchases the produce. Jahan and the vendor are conversing. She hears Jahan conversing with him. Ilahi is in awe. Jahan embraces the man. Ilahi is in awe. She rushes his direction. Ilahi reflects about her father's promise. She halts. jahan leves. Ilahi is invisible to him. 

Ilahi remembers asking him to hold off until he spoke with her father. He ignored her pleas for him to stay with her. Here, Ilahi says Jahan. He made zero attempts to meet with me. I wasn't even asked how I was doing. He doesn't even give a damn about what he's done to my family and I. Dad was on point. Even I don't deserve him. He seemed to not even be bothered.

After fighting with the merchant, Ilahi departs. It seems to Jahan that he heard her voice. He claims I was dreaming. I have to quit obsessing over her. HE departs. Ilahi also departs. She offers the vendor her apologies and then takes the vegetables.

When Tina's friend Sina had a love marriage, her parents weren't prepared, so Tina tells them about it. He wasn't a good guy, they claimed. But she did adore him very much. He walked away from her. She must be really hurt, Bebe claims. Tina claims that I am very sorry for her. As per Ilahi, parents constantly consider what is best for their children. Their decision is never incorrect. I wish your friend had respected her parents' advice. Come drink tea with us, Bebe offers.

Jordan prepares. Ilahi enters the space. She muses on whether she need to inform Jordan Jahan is in Chundigarh. She attempts to inform him. My big interview is today, according to Jordan. I'll play the lead singer. I can't spoil this mood, says Ilahi. She wishes you luck. Are you alright, he asks? Ilahi exclaims, "I am glad for you." What should I wear, he asks? Wear this jacket, Ilahi orders. If someone asks you to sing the college fest song during the interview, do so. Jordan claims that she has now accepted my marriage. Jordan, according to Mahip, this interview is crucial for you. I wish you luck. All of them wish him well. Yoghurt arrives from Ilahi. What a responsible wife, Bebe remarks. He is given prasad by Ilahi. 

Jordan requests that she prepare him food. And he thanks you. I can't wait to watch it, according to Dada Ji. Jordan adjourns. There will be an after party, he claims. Ilahi should also attend the gathering, Bebe advises. Mahip asserts that the wife's ability to travel is unimportant. Ilahi is really busy. Yes, I will prepare my father's favourite food today, says Ilahi. Jordan adjourns.

Ilahi searches the closet for something. Her and Jahan's moon locket breaks. No, I won't even consider about Jahan, says Ilahi. She discards it and declares that it will be the final item from my past. I simply want to proceed.

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