A few weeks ago, the well-liked TV programme Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin made an interesting change by introducing new cast members and an intriguing storyline. Ayesha Singh's return to the screen as Sai is eagerly anticipated by ardent #SaiJoshi fans, even as the new narrative continues to amuse viewers. Recently, the gifted actress visited the show's sets and shared a glimpse of the touching reunion with her fans, partially fulfilling their wishes.
Ayesha's fans were enthralled when two charming videos from her recent visit went viral online. She is seen in one video immersed in the shoot, watching Savi and Ishaan, her co-stars, perform. In the second video, Ayesha was seen having fun and spending time with the cast and crew while unwinding on the sets.
Ayesha was showered with love and gratitude by the internet community, who couldn't contain their joy. One user expressed their feelings by saying, "She is back, guys! I was so delighted to see her on the GHKPM sets once more. Sai, you are greatly missed. Another person wished for a #SaiRat reunion while appreciating Savi's great performance and desiring Sai's comeback. Because of how Ayesha portrayed Sai Joshi, she will always hold a special place in their hearts and will never be replaced.
Ayesha's cordial reunion went beyond the main cast; she could be seen getting back in touch with her on-screen brother Yogendra Vikram Singh. She posted special photos of them together on social media, capturing the delight they felt.
The gifted actress won the audience's utmost admiration and acclaim for her stunning performance as Sai in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. Ayesha Singh's appearance on the sets has encouraged viewers to expect more moving scenes in the future as they anxiously await her full-fledged return to the show.
Ayesha continues to enjoy the popularity of her performance as Sai in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, which has garnered her a lot of praise and admiration from viewers.