Update for the Kundali Bhagya Written Episode from July 17, 2023: Rajveer is accused of stealing by Nidhi.

Gurpreet enters the house and is happy that Preeta removed the garments because there is a strong storm outside. She realises that Preeta is frightened and questions the reason when Preeta tells her that she is alright. Preeta is sitting on her bed, thinking continually about Karan and how he saved her from the fire. 

She explains that Rajveer left after making this video call, so she is waiting for him to return. Preeta asks if she can say anything to Gurpreet. She says she saw Shaurya's father in this video but she feels very strange and gets the feeling as if she knows him from earlier. Gurpreet says they met in the fire incident, but Preeta responds that she feels they have known each other since before that. Gurpreet says she felt that way Preeta remains utterly perplexed.

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When Rajveer asks Shaurya for the safe's code and manages to open it, he is shocked to discover that there is no money inside. He wonders if the family has moved the money and decides to go ask them, but is shocked to discover that the door is locked. Shaurya then leaves, declaring that the door will only open when he wants it to, and leaves.

Rakhi requests food from the officials, along with Karan, who both express their regret at arriving at the event without any gifts. Kavya responds by saying that there is no need to worry because they would have come and are bestowing their blessings on her, which is all she needs. Had they known, however, they would have brought the gifts, but she does not want any from them.

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The authorities criticise Mr. Karan for having a lovely daughter who seeks out the positive in every circumstance, in contrast to the children of the present era who simply demand stuff from their parents. When Nidhi claims that Kavya is similar to her in this regard, Karan becomes angry and tells Nidhi to go check on Rajveer since he would have already returned. Karan then declares that he is truly extremely appreciative.

Bani Dadi responds that she is tired but would wait here for a little while longer when Karina Bua asks her to come and rest since she might be getting fatigued. In light of the several activities they had planned in this home, Kritka begs God how much better it would have been if Preeta Bhabhi had been present. A little emotion also surfaces in Kavya.

Rajveer struggles to unlock the door and wonders how he would escape this space. He considers dialling but then realises he is missing his phone, at which point he discovers the window.

Shaurya tells Nidhi that he has locked Rajveer in the room. She tells them to make sure that some other people are in the rear hallway so they can see Rajveer. Nidhi tells Shaurya to simply follow her commands, but Shaurya is unable to hear her. Nidhi asks Karina bua and Bani Dadi to accompany her since she has to talk about something important, but Karina replies that she can say whatever she wants right now. Shaurya wonders why they aren't accompanying her mother given how sweetly she has asked.

When Nidhi soothes him and Bani Dadi says they can go to the back hallway, Karina becomes enraged. Nidhi notices the window and assumes that this is the window from which Rajveer will emerge. When Rajveer jumps from the window, Bani Dadi and Karina bua ask why. Rajveer responds that the door was locked, which is why he had to jump from this window. When Nidhi asks where the money is, Rajveer responds that the safe is empty. Hearing this, everyone is shocked, so Nidhi goes to check and is shocked. She then asks Rajveer where the money is, and he responds that he also is asking the same

As she descends the stairs, Nidhi phones the police and indicates that there has been a robbery. When the family asks what has occurred, she explains that money has been taken. Since the amount was one crore rupees, Mahesh wonders how it could have happened. Shaurya questions who has entered their home other than a family member, mentioning that Garesh has been working for them for so long and both of these men have just come, making it unlikely that they would have stolen the money. 

Rajveer responds that Shaurya shouldn't speak to him in this manner since he understands what Shaurya means; nevertheless, when Shaurya claims that he only knows that Rajveer is in fact a thief, Rajveer becomes enraged and claims he did not steal any money. Shaurya remarks that Kavya has a very big heart, and Kavya defends Rajveer by saying that he cannot be a thief. Karan exits after informing Rajveer that the room's door is open at Nidhi's request.

When Karan enters the room and sees the door open, Shaurya also appears and informs him that the police have arrived. Karan asks Nidhi why she is in such a hurry because he could have given the money to them even though he knows she must leave for Bangalore. When Shaurya inquires as to why Karan is defending Rajveer, Karan departs so that he can deal with the police.

Rajveer was with him when he put the money in the safe, and he also knew the password, according to Nidhi, who then orders the police to arrest him because she believes he stole the money since they had trusted him. Nidhi responds, "Not this time, because Rakhi even protected Rajveer the last time," when Rakhi asks her what has happened to her. Nidhi asks her to go inside with her in-laws after Kavya warns her that this is wrong and that Rajveer is not like this and cannot be a thief. Rajveer believes Nidhi to be his so-called elder sister but she is actually shielding him from harm like a sibling.

Rajveer's theft is entirely Nidhi's fault. Nidhi responds that everything is clear and that Rajveer is a thief, insisting that the inspector arrest Rajveer. When Karan becomes enraged and orders Nidhi to stop talking, Nidhi turns to Mahesh and wonders if this is how the men of this Luthra family interact with the women. In addition, Shaurya informs Karan that Rajveer is a criminal and that he cannot speak with his mother in this manner. Kavya responds that she invited Rajveer and knows he cannot be a thief. Shaurya then informs Kavya that he is her brother and that Rajveer tried to be a thief.

Preeta is driving when the road becomes jammed, causing everyone to start fighting. Preeta gets out and tries to stop another car, but no one stops, despite her pleas that she needs to get somewhere immediately.

The inspector says they were called to the scene to handle a robbery case, but it appears that they both have a personal issue. Rajveer replies that there is a personal issue, and Shaurya urges him to tell Kavya the whole truth while he keeps her as his sister.

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