Dinner at Garewal Mansion from Katha Ankahee's August 23rd, 2023, Written Episode.

Viaan is taken to a jeweller by Ehsan who purchases his stones from a gallery. Viaan wants the one and only, the singular one, like Katha, not one in a thousand. Viaan recognises the blue diamond as a color-changing diamond when the man presents it to him. Viaan desires something distinctive. Ehsan selects the stone from World War II that allowed a woman to cross the German border. Ehsan tells Viaan not to worry because Katha has no interest in stones while he continues to be mute. Viaan chooses a storyless diamond.

Katha chooses the dinner menu and tries to choose a favourite for everyone. Calling to apologise for being unable to assist with dinner preparation, Viaan calls. Viaan is eager to see her. He didn't even mention Teeji's favourite to Katha because she is too busy. She is asked by Viaan to prepare anything with little to no spice. Neerja interrupts and says she's here to support Katha. Technology is advancing well under Neerja's leadership, but Katha and Viaan should meet at night.

Teeji and Farah are greeted by Ehsan at the Garewal home. For switching sides, Farah makes fun of Ehsan. Katha and Viaan exchange passionate glances. A strange tension develops between Teeji and Vanya. When Viaan questions Vanya about it, Mr. Garewal tells him not to worry because he is doing morally. Aarav pulls Viaan away because he wants to speak with his father. Aarav, Ehsan, and Yuvraj make fun of Ehsan for still being unable to ask Katha to marry him. They are asked not to exert pressure on Viaan.

Ehsan thanks Mr. Garewal for making Katha cook the meal. Katha's talent is acknowledged by Viaan. Yuvraj praises the cuisine and requests that Katha teach him some yoga poses. Katha claims that Neerja helped her prepare it. Neerja gives Katha the credit for the meal. Farah believes Neerja has feelings for Katha. According to Neerja, Teeji is the only person who does not want to love Katha. Teeji must adore everything her son loves because she loves him. Teeji is praised by Mr. Garewal for mentioning that. For Katha, Kavita asks him to make friends with Teeji. In his address, Mr. Garewal urges Viaan to watch over his daughter and support her through all of life's ups and downs. He experiences a moment of emotion when she leaves too quickly.

Katha won't be leaving. Not wanting to forget her family is Mr. Garewal. Nothing, according to Viaan, will be able to make Katha forget about her family. He wants Katha to be brought home by Viaan. Ehsan is asked to aid with a plan by Aarav since he is unhappy with the emotional moment. Aarav joins the emotional talk as Ehsan stops it and asks Ehsan to phone his uncle and come back with a show setup. On a certain tune, Ehsan asks everyone to dance. Given that it's too late to dance, Mr. Garewal inquires. Ehsan accuses Aarav of giving him the plan at a bad time.

Katha and Viaan were given the first song to dance to. Katha abandons Viaan by allowing him to touch her and dances alone. When no one else responded to his request for a song, Ehsan played his favourite tune. Everyone is invited by Ehsan, and Vanya gets up. They move as a unit. Ehsan reiterates the desire for the subsequent song. While everyone was busy dancing, Aarav asked Viaan to leave with Katha because he wanted Ehsan to play his favourite son. Aarav forces all the seniors to participate. Teeji observes Viaan and Katha leaving after they had already left.

Viaan is questioned by Katha about bringing her to work when a table was already set up for them. Calling Aarav to explain that he hid the ring in the pastry, Viaan excuses himself. Aarav sends his and Katha's best wishes. Viaan practises his words and thinks about how romantic it should be.

Katha had already finished the entire pastry when Viaan returns. Katha apologises, her anxiety making her famished. Viaan panics because she thought she might have swallowed the supposed ring that was within.

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