Written Episode Update for May 18, 2023, in Katha Ankahee: It is the first time Viaan has felt a baby kick.


Amita displays Viaan's infant clothing. If she knows whether it's a boy or a girl, Viaan enquires. The infant will wear anything, Amita doesn't care. She displays a similar outfit to Viaan. How does it feel to have a life inside of her, Viaan queries. Amita hasn't been questioned about it; she can't help but feel the baby's presence. When the baby wakes her up at night with kicks, she begs it to let Amita sleep. Keith allegedly sings to his child, according to Amita.

Amita displays Viaan's infant clothing. If she knows whether it's a boy or a girl, Viaan enquires. The infant will wear anything, Amita doesn't care. She displays a similar outfit to Viaan. How does it feel to have a life inside of her, Viaan queries. Amita hasn't been questioned about it; she can't help but feel the baby's presence. When the baby wakes her up at night with kicks, she begs it to let Amita sleep. Keith allegedly sings to his child, according to Amita.

Amita is at ease and respects Katha since Viaan follows her instructions. Viaan reclines in relief, never having felt so powerless. She is told to calm down by Amita. Viaan becomes frightened once more as Amita feels her baby kicking. She claims that while Viaan uncle is caring for her, the baby is reprimanding her. The infant wants conversations to be about him when Amita talks to him since he feels left out. When Viaan declines Amita's invitation to touch the infant, she persists. When Viaan hesitates to touch, Amita assists him, and he quickly pulls away after sensing the baby kick. 

Given that Viaan obeys Katha's commands, Amita feels comfortable and appreciates her. Viaan slumps in relief after never feeling so helpless. Amita tells her to take a deep breath. Once more, Viaan is alarmed as she feels Amita's baby kick. She alleges that the infant is correcting her while Viaan uncle is taking care of her. The baby wants conversations with Amita to be about him since he feels excluded. Amita persists after Viaan denies her offer to hold the baby. Amita helps Viaan when he hesitates to touch, and when he feels the baby kick, he hastily pulls away. 

Batman calls Robin the next day. Robin inquires about Batman's papers because he perceives Batman to be depressed and wants him to share. Teachers claim that tests are used to determine a student's achievement, and Batman cautions Robin about the pressure. Batman is making an effort, but he is confused because he completely forgot the material from the previous exam. All teachers, according to Robin, put students under pressure. Robin himself failed numerous tests but is still in business today. Everyone fails, Robin explains, and while some examinations are excellent and some are horrible, the poor ones help us prepare for the road ahead. Batman is aware that his mother agrees, but he is hesitant to see the teacher once more. When Robin becomes irate, he will discuss Batman with the professors.

Batman begs him not to; his mother will talk about it at the parent-teacher conference. Katha overhears Viaan and Aarav talking. Batman can summon Robin at any time and Robin will be there for him. Katha gives Viaan the final quotations from the contractors. She inquires about Viaan's wellbeing. Viaan informs her that Batman is worried about his tests and was sitting in the exam room with a blank expression. That child is smart; Viaan knows him. Viaan questions whether individuals are managing a factory or a school. 

If he has ever experienced tension while writing papers, Katha inquires. If Batman's family handled the situation, she inquires. Although Viaan says his mother will speak with the principal, Viaan wants to speak as well for his own peace of mind. The school will not accept Viaan talking to them as Aarav's friend, Katha criticises him for intruding in another family's harmony for his own sake. She helps him realise that Viaan's family is less concerned about their son than Batman's family is. Instead of acting on it, he should be there for his buddies. Batman needs to speak with Viaan.

Tea is shared by the Garewals. Regarding Katha and Aarav, Mr. Garewal questions Kavita. After Aarav's examinations, he suggests going on a family picnic to give him a change of pace. Yuvraj remembered that his daughter had exam anxiety as well. Reet can recall, but she intervened on behalf of her daughter before Aarav-like breakdowns were possible. When Katha detects the other issues, Reet questions why she didn't notice Aarav's worry. Reet and Kavita both agree that this happens when kids keep things from their mothers. Aarav said he didn't want to put his mother through any additional stress.

Reet wants to make the claim that kids will act out in order to get their parents' attention, particularly if they feel ignored. Reet requests that Mr. Garewal end his chapter since she believes Katha is preoccupied with Viaan. Reet is questioned by Mr. Garewal on what chapter he trusts Katha to end. The dialogue ends here for Mr. Garewal because she previously informed him that she only had Aditya in her life. In order to tell Reet that Aarav is aware of his mother's problems, he sets his tea down, gets up, and leaves. Reet is tasked with providing special attention to Aarav the next time Mr. Garewal visits. Reet is informed by Yuvraj that Katha is a mother as well and that Aarav is the only thing that matters to her. Yuvraj pursues Reet when she departs.

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