Rabb Se Hai Dua Written Episode Update for May 20, 2023: Hamida requests that Haider divorce either Dua or Gazal.


Scene 1

Dadi informs Dua that because weak individuals are not allowed to live, you must be a strong player like Gazal. Throw Gazal out of the house and put a stop to this devastation. Dua claims I've already lost the battle. No, according to Dadi; you didn't see how everyone was afraid to see your strong side, did you? It's time to fight or you'll have to live with regret. Simply confront your adversaries and utilise your rage to challenge them; everyone should realise that you maintained control of this property. Attack Gazal so severely that she flees. Dua affirms that I should not cry at this moment since Gazal will be upset and cry.

I pray for your courage, Dadi says. Dua claims that although I had considered leaving the house, Hamida Maa had warned me against doing so because I would expose Gazal's true identity. Your mother is a lioness, according to Dadi, and she is strong to give you strength. Dua claims that Maa has saved me and revealed me. After hearing all of that, Gazal declares, "If Hamida is a lioness, then I am a hunter, and I will break her down in order to weaken Dua."

You can curse me all you want, Haider says, but if you don't say anything, please don't claim that I don't value your favours. You remind me of my mother, therefore I can't take your rage towards me. If you want to slap me, though. You have betrayed my confidence, and if you have committed such a transgression, you cannot be my son, Hamida says as she turns away. My children would never harm another person, but you have damaged my daughter. Haider claims that what he did was wrong since he remembered Gazal asking him not to inform anyone. 

I made this error, according to Haider, as a son. What does Hamida say about Dua? Why did you discipline her? Haider promises to make an effort to right the wrong; just give me a chance. I'm giving you a chance, so follow my instructions, says Hamida. Break your marriage by kicking that Gazal out of the house. Haider is speechless. Gazal's divorce with Hamida is requested. Outside the room, Gazal declares, "I have to stop this. Haider can't listen to her." Will you be able to grant Haider's divorce after I provided you an opportunity to do so? asks Hamida to Haider. I can't do that, according to Haider. Gazal chuckles. Dua must be divorced; you cannot maintain two women in this manner, advises Hamida. Haider argues

What do you think of yourself, asks Hamida? Do you really believe you can keep two chicks to yourself? They are your wife, and they have rights, but you can't keep them if you can't grant those rights. Haider claims I'm confined. You don't have the authority to decide someone else's fate, claims Hamida. Haider assures me that I will satisfy Dua. Hamida claims that because you have already caged her, you should stop. Who will you divorce? Will you annul Dua or Gazal? Haider begs you not to do that. You are a weak man, according to Hamida. Thereafter, she departs.

While in her room, Dua uses the loo. When Gazal arrives, she believes I will complete Dua's mother today. She enters her bedroom and hides under a cabinet. Dua sobs as she uses the loo as she remembers giving up Haider to Gazal. Gazal starts to leave after pulling out some clothing.

Hafeez is informed by Hamida that we shall depart today. As Gazal exits Dua's room, she notices Hamida entering. Dua is about to enter her room when she hears someone.

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